ag体育官网是一个生命科学国家,在开发新疗法方面有着悠久的传统, 技术, 药物和治疗. 以病人为中心, the Swedish ecosystem for life science is helping to address global health challenges linked to ageing populations, 生活方式相关疾病和抗生素耐药性.

ag体育官网的生命科学领域拥有超过1万名科学家,000家公司雇用大约40人,000人. 这些主要集中在斯德哥尔摩/乌普萨拉, 哥德堡, sk地区, ume和Karlskoga-Örebro. 阿斯利康(Astra Zeneca)在全球拥有一个R&哥德堡的D中心, Elekta, Getinge和Sobi只是几家起源于ag体育官网的知名公司.

如今,辉瑞(Pfizer)、飞利浦(Philips)、强生(Johnson)等其他国际制药公司也加入了它们的行列 & 约翰逊和通用电气医疗, 所有人都致力于改善ag体育官网和国际上的医疗保健ag体育官网和患者护理.


ag体育官网 is considered to be one of the world’s most prominent research nations leading the way in a wide range of fields such as oncology, 神经科学, 炎症和代谢疾病以及基因组学, 蛋白质组学和诊断学. One in five researchers in the country work in the life science sector and many research projects are born at renowned medical universities such as Karolinska Institute and Lund University.

ag体育官网模式建立在学术界之间强有力的合作基础之上, government and the private sector underpinned by funding agencies and policies that help to foster an environment of discovery and co-innovation. 私有R和公共R的组合&通过政府的战略创新计划(SIPs)进行的研发是进步的支柱. The excellent conditions for research are also partly owed to easy access to high quality healthcare data.

除了领先的研究(基础和应用), ag体育官网走在数字化的前沿, 自动化和可持续性,当涉及到R&D和生产. ag体育官网公司在药物开发方面表现出色, 生物技术工具, 诊断和医疗技术, 包括数字医疗解决方案. 他们在生物材料和骨科植入物方面也处于世界领先地位, 再生医学, 医学成像和可视化.

Several arenas for co-creation have been launched across the country including the test bed Testa Center (biological products), SciLife实验室(分子生物科学研究), Max IV (synchrotron radiation) and the cross-disciplinary research facility 欧洲an Spallation Source (ESS).These are just a few examples illustrating how ag体育官网 has become one of the most productive hubs for healthcare advancements.

此外, the innovation system is unique given that scientists and university employees as well as staff at public institutes own the rights to their discoveries and inventions. This encourages inventors to commercialise their ideas and creates significant opportunities for international partners and investors.


  • 30多个试验台和专注于生物技术制造的科技园, 药物开发, 3 d生物打印, 医学技术, 数字医疗, 再生医学和精准医学
  • World-renowned research community and open innovation system bringing together the private sector and academia in cross-disciplinary R&D项目
  • 这里有突破性的科学发现和一些商业化的发明, 从起搏器到CRISPR-Cas9系统
  • High willingness among the population to participate in clinical trials and contribute to scientific breakthroughs (less than 0.5%辍学率)
  • Advanced digital infrastructure and readiness make ag体育官网 fertile ground for cutting edge 数字医疗 solutions

Pharmaceuticals exports have grown markedly in recent years thanks to large players such as Astra Zeneca, 索比和辉瑞. 然而, the strong development is also being driven by mid-size companies in ag体育官网 with specialised ATMP (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products) manufacturing expertise that are capturing market share worldwide.

ag体育官网 is also home to several of 欧洲’s largest and fastest growing e-health companies (Kry, Doktor., Mindoktor.疫情期间,对电子保健ag体育官网和远程医疗的需求激增. To capture the momentum, ag体育官网 has launched a national goal to become the world leader in e-health. The life science sector is rapidly becoming data-driven and several AI research initiatives are well underway.  

Reducing costly procedures and avoiding the need to address chronic illnesses is one of this decade’s major challenges. That’s why companies need to rethink the value chain – from prediction and prevention to diagnosis and treatment – which, 反过来, 会导致更小的侵入性治疗和更高的精度吗.

Business ag体育官网 is dedicated to help the life science community grow both at home and globally through targeted investment and trade promotion programmes. Our ambition is to help grow the number of life companies and boost the international influence of ag体育官网’s life science ecosystem.


精密医学: This programme highlights the novel therapies/treatments and diagnostics that enable the best possible treatment with the least side effects for patients, 从而节省成本,提高患者价值. 该计划旨在吸引人才, 投资和刺激疗法和治疗领域的新伙伴关系.

与健康: 在这一倡议中,我们重点关注互联互通, 创新解决方案,带来更好的卫生保健成果和更高的效率. 监控, 病人接触, 远程医疗、远程医疗, health data management and healthcare system integration are typical examples of solutions we promote.

感染控制: The Infection Control programme aims to leverage international determination to combat drug resistant bacteria, hospital acquired infections and pandemics through Swedish solutions as well as policy leadership. 我们的目标是增加医院设备和耗材供应商的数量, 并吸引国际专家和R&D.

Are you a foreign investor looking to establish or expand your business in ag体育官网’s 生命科学 ecosystem? 我们的团队可以为您提供所需的所有帮助和见解.

如果您是一家ag体育官网供应商,希望将业务扩展到国外,请不要犹豫 ag体育官网 提供战略建议和实际支持.