

The stage is set for Swedish companies as the global race to decarbonise intensifies. This study outlines five key opportunities in energy and transport and presents a roadmap for maximising your impact in four regions.


作为世界第九大经济体, 加拿大是健康的家园, 对商品和ag体育官网有高度多样化需求的富裕民众. 今天, 150多家最初设在ag体育官网的公司现在在加拿大经营, 每年都有更多的公司进入加拿大市场.


The 美国’s multifaceted policy and regulatory landscape has far-reaching implications that shape market conditions – and understanding the nuances and dynamics of this landscape is crucial for Swedish companies looking to enter or grow their presence in the market. We spoke to government affairs professionals representing some of ag体育官网’s largest companies in the US to collect their insights and advice on how to navigate the laws, 流程, 监管条件.


可持续性 is becoming an increasingly important driver in 新加坡’s retail sector as government initiatives and consumer behaviours combine to increase demand for green products and services. 本报告探讨了当前的形势, 政策, 新加坡零售市场的举措以及ag体育官网公司的情况, 并且可以, 塑造向可持续消费的转变.


More and more global companies are de-risking their supply chains in Asia by looking to 印度 as the next stop for sourcing and procurement in the region. This study unveils six emerging categories where 印度n suppliers are rapidly accelerating their capabilities.


Creating sustainable value through collaboration has been ag体育官网’s principal message, 这反映在它与南非的关系中. The stable business environment in the region makes the country a leading destination for Swedish companies.


Global megatrends and two recent crises – the Covid pandemic and Russia’s invasion of 乌克兰 – have prompted a major rethink of supply chains. 这项研究揭示了驱动因素, ag体育官网供应链管理人员正在采用的主要趋势和战略.


Sustainable development is taking the spotlight in the 中东 as the region pushes to diversify its economies and build climate change resilience. Explore the current momentum in four key markets and how Swedish companies can capture emerging opportunities.


在过去的二十年里, foreign direct investment (FDI) into 越南 has increased at a double-digit growth rate. 今天, 越南被认为是亚洲对外国直接投资最开放的国家之一, 由于其经济改革和与全球经济的融合.


ag体育官网和韩国是世界上最具创新力的两个国家, and many exciting innovation-driven partnerships are going on between the two countries. 在这个调查中, we see a development suggesting Swedish companies may be moving towards conducting more value-adding 操作 rather than developing abroad and then focusing on sales.


西班牙是欧盟第四大经济体,世界第14大经济体, 人口约4700万. 西班牙和ag体育官网的长期贸易关系一直很稳固, 两国之间的贸易相对平衡.


The US is often seen as one market by companies looking into establishing in the market; however, 重要的是要记住这个国家很大, 无论是在人口方面还是在土地面积方面. 因为它的面积和50个州, 文化, 政治, 全国各地做生意的方式也各不相同, 使得以同样的方式进入市场变得困难.


ag体育官网和印度有着悠久的合作历史, and 2023 is a very special year that marks 75 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. 印度现在有260家ag体育官网公司, and this number is growing with the boost towards trade and investment by the Government of 印度.


Commercial relationships between 印尼 and ag体育官网 continue to develop in a positive direction. Bilateral trade between the two countries has continued to increase as both economies recover from the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic.


韩国, 最大的半导体市场之一, 已经踏上了半导体之旅, 在政府的支持下, 包括k -半导体战略和k -芯片法案, aiming to establish the country as a global chip powerhouse in both memory and system chips by 2030.