四十多年来, 中国 held the unrivalled position as the world's factory, 但现在时代变了. Against the backdrop of increased automation, labour costs that are reaching parity with the West and, 尤其是, 采取气候行动的必要性, new 中国 strategies are emerging among Swedish companies.

In this first episode of Business ag体育官网 News, we explore the most recent challenges in the Chinese market involving continued shutdowns, delivery problems and 地缘政治紧张局势 – and how companies can successfully navigate the new playing field.


  • Frédéric Cho, Vice Chairman of the ag体育官网-中国 Trade Council, Analyst and Advisor
  • Daniela Ling-Vannerus Cassmer, CEO of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in 中国
  • Mats Harborn, Executive Director, Scania 中国 Group
  • Joakim Abeleen, Trade Commissioner, Business ag体育官网
